The Cycle of the Goddess ... you are

El Ciclo de la Diosa....que tú eres

Created by: Siri Sundri Kaur

The Cycle of the Goddess ..... that you are

Last weekend we had the great fortune of sharing with eleven powerful Goddesses the philosophy of "The Cycle of the Goddess" in Leon

There were Hecate, Naam, Artemisa, Shakti, Persefone, Atenea, Saraswati, Maria, Durga, Lakshmi y Gaia, shining with the beautiful SuperLuna, dancing on our feet, vibrating the mantras from our throats, clapping our hands and filling our lips with smiles.

Soon the seed of the Circle of the Goddess will germinate in Leon.

What greater joy can there be than to bring women the tools so that they themselves discover their inner light?



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FORM The Cycle of the Goddess

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